Tree Name in Kurukh Language with Hindi Kurukh and English

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In the heart of India's verdant landscapes lies a treasure trove of botanical wonders, each bearing a name that resonates with the rhythm of nature. 
Today, we embark on a captivating journey through the forests of Kurukh-speaking regions, where the language itself breathes life into the flora that adorns its fertile soil.

Discovering the Essence of Kurukh Plant Names

In the Kurukh language, every plant has a story to tell, encapsulated within its name. Let's begin our exploration with the foundational entity of the forest, known simply as "मन्न" (Tree). Majestic and enduring, the tree stands as a symbol of resilience and abundance, providing shelter, sustenance, and spiritual nourishment to all who seek its embrace.

As we delve deeper into the foliage, we encounter the luscious sweetness of "आम" (Mango), a fruit beloved by many for its tantalizing taste and vibrant hues. From the succulent "जामुन" (Jamun) to the tart tanginess of "इमली" (Tamarind), each tree bears fruits that delight the senses and nourish the body.

Unveiling the Cultural Significance

Beyond their botanical attributes, these plants hold profound cultural significance in Kurukh communities. Take, for instance, the revered "बरगद" (Banyan) tree, whose sprawling canopy serves as a gathering place for storytelling, celebrations, and communal gatherings. Similarly, the fragrant blossoms of the "पलास" (Flame of the Forest) tree herald the arrival of spring, marking the season of renewal and rejuvenation.

Celebrating Diversity in Nature

Our journey through Kurukh plant names reveals not only the diversity of flora but also the intricate relationship between language, culture, and the natural world. From the medicinal properties of "नीम" (Neem) to the ecological significance of "बाँस" (Bamboo), each plant serves as a testament to the wisdom and ingenuity of indigenous knowledge systems.

SL No Kurukh Hindi English
1 मन्न पेड़ Tree
2 टट्ख़ा आम Mango
3 जम्बबू जामुन Jamun
4 पान बेर Ber
5 गठड़ा कटहल Jackfruit
6 तेताली इमली Tamarind
7 टमरस अमरूद Guava
8 बड़ा बरगद Banyan
9 मदगी महुआ Mahua
10 करम करम Karam
11 मुरका पलास Flame of the Forest
12 सखुवा साल Shorea robusta
13 कींदा खजूर Date Palm
14 कोरंजो करंज Pongamia
15 कोमड़ख़ा कोयनार Wrightia tinctoria
16 डहू बरहड़ Banyan
17 फुसरा कुसुम Safflower
18 बकाइन बकाइन Bauhinia
19 भुंटगलो फुटकल Bamboo
20 जितया पीपल Peepal
21 चिटख़ा पीपल Peepal
22 नीम नीम Neem
23 सिम्बाली सेमल Silk Cotton Tree
24 मुनगा मुनगा Prosopis cineraria
25 ख़ोट्टा बेल Wood Apple
26 हडरा हर्रा Terminalia chebula
27 डुम्बारी गुलर Cluster Fig
28 बबला बबुल Acacia nilotica
29 बाँस बाँस Bamboo
30 सोन्नार्खी बन्दर लौरी Monkey Tail

Conclusion: Nurturing Our Connection with Nature

As we conclude our exploration, let us pause to reflect on the profound wisdom embedded within the names of Kurukh plants. In a world where the pace of modern life threatens to disconnect us from the rhythms of nature, embracing indigenous languages offers a pathway to rekindle our relationship with the earth and all its inhabitants.

Let us continue to honor and preserve the linguistic heritage of Kurukh communities, recognizing that in doing so, we not only safeguard the diversity of plant life but also reaffirm our commitment to living in harmony with the natural world. In the symphony of nature, every plant name is a melody, every tree a verse. May we listen, learn, and cherish the timeless wisdom that flows through the language of the forest.

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